Carlos Castillo-Chavez will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period Feb. 28 - Mar. 6, 2014

1 min read ·

Carlos Castillo-Chavez is a Regents Professor and a Joaquin Bustoz Jr. Professor of Mathematical Biology at Arizona State University. He has co-authored over 200 publications. Some of the recognitions for his work include: three White House Awards (1992,1997, and 2011), the American Mathematical Society Distinguished Public Service Award, and the 2007 AAAS Mentor award.


Carlos Castillo-Chavez will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period Feb. 28 - Mar. 6, 2014.

Office 4212-CU08.

Short Bio:

Carlos Castillo-Chavez is a Regents Professor and a Joaquin Bustoz Jr. Professor of Mathematical Biology at Arizona State University.  He has co-authored over 200 publications. Some of the recognitions for his work include: three White House Awards (1992,1997, and 2011), the American Mathematical Society Distinguished Public Service Award, and the 2007 AAAS Mentor award. He is a fellow of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), AMS (American Mathematical Society), ACE (American College of Epidemiology), honorary Professorships at Xi’an Jiatong University in China and Universidad de Belgrano in Argentina. Past appointments include a Stanislaw M. Ulam Distinguished Scholar at Los Alamos National Laboratory, a Cátedra Patrimonial at UNAM in México, and a Martin Luther King Jr. Professorship at MIT. He is a member of the Board of Higher Education at the National Academy of Sciences (2009-2016) and serves in President Barack Obama Committee on the National Medal of Science (2010-2015).