Dr. Hakon Hoel accepted researcher position at the University of Oslo

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For the last two years, Hakon has been a postdoctoral fellow at KAUST with both the Stochastic Numerics research group and the Uncertainty Quantification SRI center. Hakon is an applied mathematician with a strong focus on numerical analysis and algorithmic developments for stochastic differential equations (SDE) and stochastic modeling in general. During his tenure at KAUST, his main efforts have been devoted to the analysis and development of adaptive multilevel Monte Carlo methods for SDEs.


For the last two years, Hakon has been a postdoctoral fellow at KAUST with both the Stochastic Numerics research group and the Uncertainty Quantification SRI center. Hakon is an applied mathematician with a strong focus on numerical analysis and algorithmic developments for stochastic differential equations (SDE) and stochastic modeling in general. During his tenure at KAUST, his main efforts have been devoted to the analysis and development of adaptive multilevel Monte Carlo methods for SDEs.

Hakon has accepted a research fellow position at the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway, to begin on October 1, 2014. This position is connected to the research project "Variational wave equations in liquid crystals -- LIQCRY". We wish Hakon a strong an productive scientific career, thank him for all his hard and fruitful work and hope to continue our joint collaboration in the future.