Yang Liu successfully defended his PhD proposal
In a remarkable display of academic excellence, On May 3, 2023, Yang Liu successfully defended his PhD proposal entitled " Hierarchical sampling techniques and goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods with application to elliptic PDEs with lognormal coefficients.
Committee Chairperson:
Prof. Raúl Tempone, AMCS, KAUST
Committee Members:
Prof. Daniele Boffi, AMCS, KAUST
Prof. David Bolin, AMCS, KAUST
We propose our Adaptive Multilevel Monte Carlo (AMLMC) method to solve an elliptic partial differential equation with lognormal random input data where the PDE model has geometry-induced singularities. This work combines (MLMC) and the dual-weighted-residual goal-oriented adaptive finite element. Specifically, for a given input coefficient realization and an accuracy level, the (AMLMC) constructs its approximate sample as the ones using the first mesh in the sequence of pre-generated, non-uniform meshes satisfying the sample-dependent bias constraint.