
Ben Mansour Dia worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Professor Raul F. Tempone's Stochastic Numerics Research Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

Research Interests

  • Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Incompressible Flows: 2-D shallow water equations, 1-D bilayer shallow water equations.
  • Control Theory: Boundary stabilization and exact controllability of hyperbolic partial differential equations, optimal control of ordinary differential equations and stochastic differential equations
  • Numerical Analysis: Finite Elements Method, Variational Multi-Scale formulation, Finite Volumes Method,
  • Uncertainty Quantification

Selected Publications

  • Dario Bauso, Ben Mansour Dia, Boualem Djehiche, Hamidou Tembine and Raul Tempone, Mean Field Games for Marriage,  PLOS ONE 9(5): e94933, 2014.
  • Ben Mansour Dia, Exponential Stability of shallow water equations with time dependent boundary action, Int.  J. Dynam. Control, 2014.
  • Ben Mansour Dia and Jesper Oppelstrup, Boundary feedback control of 2-D shallow water equations, 1 (2013) 41-53.
  • Ben Mansour Dia, Leon Matar S. Tine and Ababacar Diagne, A generalized finite difference scheme for the 2-D shallow water equations, Proceedings of CARI, 2014, Saint-Louis.
  • M. S. Goudiaby, M. L. Diagne and Ben Mansour Dia, Solution to a Riemann Problem at the Junction of Two Reaches, Proceedings of CARI, 2014, Saint-Louis.
  • Tomas Chacon Rebollo, Ben Mansour Dia,  Variational Multi-Scale method with spectral approximation of the sub-scales: Application to 1-d convection-diffusion equation, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg 285 (2015) 406-426.
  • Ben Mansour Dia, Jesper Oppelstrup and Abdou Sene, Stabilizing local boundary conditions for 2d shallow water equations, submitted 2014.

Education Profile

  • ​Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Gaston Berger University/Royal Institute of Technology (2012).
  • Master in Applied Mathematics, Gaston Berger University (2007).
  • MSc in Applied Maths and Computer Science, Gaston Berger University (2005).

Professional Memberships

  • Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
  • Member, West African network ''EDP-Modélisation et Contrôle''.
  • Science consultant, SAED (Société Nationale d'Aménagement et d'Exploitation des Terres du Delta, du fleuve Sénégal et des Vallées du fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé),  2008 –  2011.

Awards and Distinctions

  • International Science Programme (ISP) fellowship, August 2009 – January 2012.
  • Institute of Mathematics of the University of Sevilla (IMUS) fellowship, 2010.