
Bilal Saad worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Professor Raul F. Tempone's Stochastic Numerics Research Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

Research Interests

  • Numerical analysis
  • Flow and transport in porous media
  • Compressible and incompressible multiphase flows, partially miscible flow
  • Radioactive waste storage, Carbon capture and storage,  CO2 storage, Oil recovery secondary
  • Modeling and numerical simulation of a nonlinear degenerate elliptic-parabolic systems

Selected Publications

  • B. Saad and M. Saad. Study of full implicit petroleum engineering finite volume scheme for compressible two-phase flow in porous media, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis (2013), 51(1), 716–741.
  • F. Caro, B. Saad, and M. Saad. Two-component two-compressible flow in a porous media, ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE, Volume 117, Number 1, 15-46, 2012. 
  • F. Caro, B. Saad, A. Genty and E. Laucoin. Numerical Simulation of Two Phase Flow in Porous Media in a Context of High Performance Computing. International Conference MAMERN, Jun 8-11, 2009, France. 
  • F. Caro, B. Saad and M. Saad. Study of degenerate parabolic system modeling the hydrogen displacement in a nuclear waste repository, submitted.
  • Numerical analysis of a non equilibrium two-component two-compressible flow in porous media, accepted in Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2013.
  • B. Saad and M. Saad. A combined finite volume–nonconforming finite element scheme for compressible two phase flow in porous media, submitted in Numerische Mathematik, 2013.
  • B. Saad. Study of a numerical scheme for two-phase two-component flow in porous media; application to gas migration in a nuclear waste repository, Preprint.
  • B. Saad. Gas Phase Appearance and Disappearance as a Problem with a dynamic mass transfer, Preprint.

Education Profile

  • Ph.D. thesis in Applied Mathematics at the engineering school "Ecole Centrale Nantes", France, 2011.  
  • Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Pau, France, 2008.
  • B.S at the Lebanese University, Lebanon, 2005.

Professional Memberships

  • Temporary lecturer and research assistant in Applied Mathematics at the University of Nantes, France, 2011-2012.
  • Research statement in the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), 2008-2011.
  • Member of GNR MOMAS (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation for Nuclear Waste Management Problems).

Awards and Distinctions

  • SABIC Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award since July 2013.