Kody J. H. Law
- Senior Research Scientist, Stochastic Numerics Research Group
Kody J. H. Law worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Professor Raul F. Tempone's Stochastic Numerics Research Group (STOCHNUM) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
Research Interests
Kody specializes in computational approaches to inverse problems, uncertainty quantification, and sequential data assimilation. His interest spans methodology, such as function-space sampling and filtering algorithms, and also applications, such as numerical weather prediction, ocean prediction, climate prediction, and subsurface reconstruction. His interest in data assimilation relates particularly to the accuracy and stability of filters for high-dimensional systems and the relationship to both nonlinear filtering as a sequential Bayesian inverse problem, on the one hand, and deterministic feedback control, on the other hand. Examples of systems that are currently of particular interest are fluid dynamical systems as related to numerical weather prediction and oceanography and also porous media systems as related to subsurface reconstruction and oil recovery. He is generally interested in both sequential and static quantification of uncertainty in high-dimensional systems from both the probabilistic perspective as well as the classical deterministic perspective. Other such systems may arise, for example, as the discretization of another physical system governed by a PDE or an SDE (from a path-space view) or from other applications in social, biological, or economic sciences.
Selected Publications
- Dynamic and energetic stabilization of persistent currents in Bose-Einstein condensates. K. J. H. Law, T. W. Neeley, P. G. Kevrekidis, B. P. Anderson, R. Carretero-González, A. S. Bradley, and M. J. Davis. Phys. Rev. A 89, 053606 (2014).
- Determining White Noise Forcing From Eulerian Observations in the Navier Stokes Equation. V.H. Hoang, K. J. H. Law, and A. M. Stuart. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, June 2014, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 233-26.
- Well-Posedness And Accuracy Of The Ensemble Kalman Filter In Discrete And Continuous Time. D. B. Kelly, K. J. H. Law, And A. M. Stuart. Nonlinearity 27 2579, 2014.
- Proposals Which Speed-Up Function Space MCMC. K. J. H. Law. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 262, 127-138 (2014).
- Analysis of the 3DVAR Filter for the Partially Observed Lorenz 63 Model. K. J. H. Law, A. Shukla, and A.M. Stuart. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, {\bf 34}, 1061-1078 (2014).
- Accuracy and Stability of The Continuous Time 3DVAR Filter for The Navier-Stokes Equation. D. Bloemker, K.J.H. Law, A.M. Stuart, and K. Zygalakis. Nonlinearity 26 2193 (2013).
- Characteristics of two-dimensional quantum turbulence in a compressible superfluid. T. W. Neely, A. S. Bradley, E. C. Samson, S. J. Rooney, E. M. Wright, K. J. H. Law, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, P. G. Kevrekidis, M. J. Davis, B. P. Anderson. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 235301 (2013).
- Evaluation of Gaussian approximations for data assimilation in reservoir models. Marco A. Iglesias, K. J. H. Law, and A. M. Stuart. Computational Geosciences 17:5 851-885 (2013).
- Map Estimators for Bayesian Nonparametrics. M. Dashti, K. J. H. Law, A. M. Stuart, and J. Voss. Inverse Problems 29 095017 (2013).
- The Ensemble Kalman Filter for Inverse Problems. Marco A. Iglesias, K. J. H. Law, and A. M. Stuart. Inverse Problems 29 045001 (2013).
- Dark Solitary Waves in a Class of Collisionally Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein Condensates. Chang Wang, K. J. H. Law, Panayotis. G. Kevrekidis, and Mason A. Porter. Physical Review A 87 023621 (2013).
- Accuracy and Stability of Filters for Dissipative PDEs. C. E. A. Brett, K. F. Lam, K. J. H. Law, D. S. McCormick, M. R. Scott and A. M. Stuart. Physica D 245, 1, 34-45 (2013).
- Evaluating Data Assimilation Algorithms. K. J. H. Law and A. M. Stuart. Monthly Weather Review 140, 3757-3782 (2012).
- Stable Vortex-Bright Soliton Structures in Two-Component Bose Einstein Condensates. K. J. H. Law, P. G. Kevrekidis, Laurette S. Tuckerman. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 160405 (2010).
Education Profile
- B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, (2004).
- M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, (2007).
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, (2010).
Awards and Distinctions
- International Partnership Fund 2012/13 - University of Warwick, UK. 3500 GBP for year 1, and 3500 GBP for year 2. with National University of Singapore”.
- EPSRC Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Grant - University of Warwick, UK. 5000 GBP: Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2011.
- Roberts’ Funding Departmental Grant- University of Warwick, UK. 5000 GBP: Aug. 2011 - Dec. 2011.
- Roberts’ Funding Individual Grant- University of Warwick, UK. 2000 GBP: Jul. 2011.
Professional Memberships