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Stochastic Numerics Research Group
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spatio-temporal statistics
Amin Wu
Ph.D. Student,
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
spatio-temporal statistics
Gaussian processes
Amin Wu is an M.S./Ph.D. candidate in the KAUST Environmental Statistics Research Group under the supervision of Professor Raul Tempone. Before joining KAUST, Wu obtained a bachelor's degree from the Communication University of China. Research Interests Wu's research interests include the Spatio-temporal series and Gaussian processes.
Alexander Litvinenko
Senior Research Scientist,
Stochastic Numerics Research Group
spatio-temporal statistics
uncertainty quantification
Alexander Litvinenko worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Professor Raul F. Tempone's Stochastic Numerics Research Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). After 5 years as a research scientist at KAUST (in various groups: the Stochastic Numerics Group and Strategic Initiative in Uncertainty Quantification, Extreme Computing Research Center, and Bayesian Computing) Alexander moved to RWTH Aachen to the position Group leader in Uncertainty Quantification. He earned B.S. and M.S. degrees working on data analysis at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics at the